oh, yes, Kitty has flippin' done it!
no, the legacy will not be moved to this blog, the blog is purely for your subscriptional fun!
I don't care if that's not a word!

I'll post about any new update that I've done over at the EA thread here.
it'll make it a bit easier to find for all of you.

sadly, the Tea Legacy has come to a closure.
the story is no longer active, nor ongoing, but you are still free to enjoy the adventures of 6 generations of Tea.

love always,


Fern Tea

Fern Tea
- is often described as a silent (yet well-mannered!) mouse
- can therefore be branded shy by mistake
- never fails to try and understand where somebody's coming from, even if he disagrees
- has a very, very ill temper, but manages to control it 9 out of 10 times
- on a permanent honor roll
- spends most of his time in Mars' shadow
- prefers it that way and is actually very fond of his brother, though they can often act incredibly spiteful towards one another
- it's a love/hate relationship, really
- finds forgiveness in being the only person Mars believes in
- has a hard time taking anything to the next level, including friendships
- gets overlooked and undervalued
- tutors half his class
- dreams of faraway galaxies and his earliest childhood memories
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