oh, yes, Kitty has flippin' done it!
no, the legacy will not be moved to this blog, the blog is purely for your subscriptional fun!
I don't care if that's not a word!

I'll post about any new update that I've done over at the EA thread here.
it'll make it a bit easier to find for all of you.

sadly, the Tea Legacy has come to a closure.
the story is no longer active, nor ongoing, but you are still free to enjoy the adventures of 6 generations of Tea.

love always,




the results are in and they are BETTER than we could've hoped for!!

congrats to the following lucky ladies:

for winning Best Feature Film and Trailer by viewer's choice!

for Best Music Video!

and last but most certainly not least..

for winning best simtographer this time around! well done!

and to my complete surprise, there was also a bit of love left in the mag for us! :)
so go grab your copy and kick it back a notch while you enjoy the beauty and wonder the SIFF crew has put together for us!
thanks guys! until next time!

oh! and if you haven't already..

go check out my short over at Berrypuffs!
don't miss out on your daily dose of tweetpeeks!