oh, yes, Kitty has flippin' done it!
no, the legacy will not be moved to this blog, the blog is purely for your subscriptional fun!
I don't care if that's not a word!

I'll post about any new update that I've done over at the EA thread here.
it'll make it a bit easier to find for all of you.

sadly, the Tea Legacy has come to a closure.
the story is no longer active, nor ongoing, but you are still free to enjoy the adventures of 6 generations of Tea.

love always,


that's nice!

hi there, you important crowd you. of course I'm talking to you.

I feel like we haven't had a proper conversation in a long, long while, so let's sit down and talk for a bit, shall we?

no, but really. I've been feeling like posting something for 3 days now, and even though I have no idea what I'm going to write, I just wanted to show you guys a few nifty things that have crossed me these last couple of months. (TS3-related, of course, gotta keep it hood 'n all.)

so we have a new poll, one that I've set up to determine how many of you are actually going to hate me throughout the further course of this generation. obviously, you guys have no idea what I'm talking about, and even though I'm keen on keeping it that way, here's a little hint on what's to come:

I would also like to thank you guys for your everlasting patience. I know I've done this many times before, but I just can't help but bring it up whenever I direct my full attention to you all. you have no idea how much it means to me to know that you guys will always be waiting, no matter how long it takes. for that I'm forever grateful, so here, have a kitten:

another thing I've been wanting to do for a while now is create a special page, here on the blog, that'll pay a homage to all of you guys, paying a homage to the Tea legacy! so if you've ever had yourself a rodent face, a photo, anything Tea-related.. be sure to send it over to kittycattylion@hotmail.com and have it shine for all to see! :)
(after this post, I'm going to sacrifice myself and browse through every single page of the thread to gather all of your gifts that survived the crash of the older one, so if you've planted it down there already, I'll be sure to include it.)

and since many of you have been wondering, here's a little link to one of my TOXIC entries that tributes to the GrantxMeeka story:

hmm.. I feel like I had much more to tell you guys.. oh, well! until next time!

and don't forget..

don't miss out on your daily dose of tweetpeeks!