oh, yes, Kitty has flippin' done it!
no, the legacy will not be moved to this blog, the blog is purely for your subscriptional fun!
I don't care if that's not a word!

I'll post about any new update that I've done over at the EA thread here.
it'll make it a bit easier to find for all of you.

sadly, the Tea Legacy has come to a closure.
the story is no longer active, nor ongoing, but you are still free to enjoy the adventures of 6 generations of Tea.

love always,


“they’re here!,,


so while we're on the subject..
DON'T forget to vote for our community's sweetheart this upcoming week!!

Megs would be proud, no?

(good luck, Bubbles!!)


lots of new goods over @ Kittehsimz!
don't miss out on your daily dose of tweetpeeks!